In 2021, the world opened a little, but some people were still stuck in their homes. Working from home and just staying home all the days must’ve given you enough time to think about some changes. These changes include renovation in your home or offices.
In this article, we have discussed some changes you can do around your house. Read to know about what home renovation trends will be popular in 2022.
Home Renovation Ideas For 2022 and Beyond
Now that 2022 is here, there are many home remodeling trends that people are seeing. Nowadays, people are trying to have more comfort in their houses. Not only that, but they’re also paying attention to the aesthetics of the house.
Here are some amazing renovation ideas for 2022:
- Sustainability: Climate changes are affecting everyone on the planet. In such a situation, people want to do whatever they can. One way they’re making a positive and useful change is by making sustainable houses. You can install a solar panel on your roof. You can also opt for bamboo or cork for renovating your home.
- Safety: One of the things the past two years have taught people is the importance of safety in the house. You can install safety units to get clean air inside your home. This clean air would be free of many harmful pollutants.
- Multifunctional rooms: These are the type of rooms where you can hold a meeting and other people can just sit and chat. After the pandemic, many people are getting used to the WFH system. Therefore, you can have one of such multifunctional rooms in your house.
- Outdoors: Outdoor spaces are extremely important in houses. For the outdoors, you can get a fireplace and a pool. You can keep chairs or a sofa around the fireplace. You can also have a mini garden or some houseplants.
House Renovation Tips on a Budget
Here are some tips to remodel your house under a budget.
- Get houseplants: You can get some mini houseplants for your house. Houseplants look beautiful in the outdoors. Opt for those plants that have flowers blooming on them.
- Remodel the floors: To remodel your floor, you can paint it. Be creative and design it any way that you want. Go for multiple colours. You can also do some patterns on the floors.
- Get a stair runner: Stair runners aren’t that costly. You can find them online or at a store for a decent price. Stair runners give the boring old stairs a new look.
- Use old furniture: Don’t throw away your old furniture. Instead, you can repaint them and fix them up. These old furniture pieces can be kept outdoors near the fireplace.
The Best Kitchen Renovation Ideas
Following are some of the best ideas for renovating the kitchen.
- Kitchen island: When you get a kitchen island in your kitchen, you can use it for sitting. It also adds more space to the kitchen. The kitchen island is another workstation that you can surely use in your kitchen.
- Open shelves: These are an excellent addition to your kitchen. The reason is that you often forget where you’ve kept your utensils or your spices. With open shelves, you can see them directly.
- Tiles: Tiles look funky and stylish in the kitchen. You can get some neutral coloured tiles on the kitchen walls. Opt for those tiles that have patterns or animated food on them.
- Stainless-steel appliances: You can’t go wrong with stainless-steel appliances in your kitchen. These appliances are durable and strong. Plus, the stainless steel will be able to withstand extreme temperatures inside the kitchen.
Kitchen Renovation Cost
A remodeled kitchen can cost anywhere between $18,000 to $120,000. If you want to stay under a budget, then you can go with the lower limit. But if you wish to modernize your kitchen completely then you have to pay more than $50,000.
Under the amount of $50,000, you can get some semi upgrades in your kitchen. You can possibly change the tiles, repaint, and install some new appliances.
You can also do some DIY changes like painting the walls yourself and colouring the cabinet doors. These changes may even cost you less than $18,000.
Top 3 Bathroom Renovations and Remodeling Ideas
Here are the top 4 bathroom renovation ideas:
- Tiles on shower floor: You can go for some shower tiles with patterns on them. You can also opt for some textured tiles. Make sure to get those tiles that won’t be slippery.
- Install window: Ventilation is important in the bathrooms. Get a small window near the storage cabinets. You can also get it near the bathtub. Attach a small curtain to the window or install some window shutters.
- Small tub: It’s better if you get a small-sized tub in your bathroom. Large tubs don’t look good with the whole bathroom. You can also keep the tub option if you want to. If you’re a person who loves showering, then you won’t need a tub anyway.
Kitchen Renovations Tauranga, Bathroom Renovations Tauranga, and Home Renovations Tauranga
Here are some renovators to help you with your home, kitchen, and bathroom renovations in Tauranga:
- MLT Builders: MLT Builders are house renovators based in Tauranga, New Zealand. The renovators rebuild your house the way you need it. They discuss the ideas with you and even visit the site. Then they give you their prices. When all these things go well, they move with the contract. MLT Builders also offer you special gifts when they’ve finished renovating your house.
- Refresh Renovations: Refresh Renovations are a company of renovators who do house renovations, office renovations, kitchen renovations, and more. They help you out with the design and planning of the house. They also build a creative space in your house or office.
- Smith and Sons: Smith and Sons is another house renovation agency based in Tauranga. Their list of services includes home extensions, second storey additions, kitchen renovation, garage renovation, and more.
Renovation Costs NZ
The costs of renovation in New Zealand vary in different states. In Auckland, it can cost around $14,000 – $42,000 for a makeover of the whole house, under a budget. In Tauranga, renovating a bathroom costs around $15,000 to $22,000.
The redo of the kitchen costs approximately $50,000 in New Zealand. For this cost, you can expect a complete makeover of the kitchen.
Redoing the outdoors that includes a pool, deck, and fireplace can cost around $50,000 too.
What Are The Biggest Trends In Kitchen Renovations?
These days, many people are opting to get open shelves in their kitchen. They’re also adding some titles on kitchen walls.
To upgrade the workstation in the kitchen, you can also build a kitchen island in your kitchen. You can keep the tiles and island in contrast with each other.
How Do I Plan A Major Home Renovation?
When you’re planning to renovate your home, you should remember some tips. You should come up with a proposal. Decide what you want to change completely. Think about the outdoors, if you need improvements around the pool or not.
You must decide on the budget for the remodeling. Some costs can go up and down, so always keep an estimate. Search around and talk to people to find diligent contractors. The work on the house can take months, so set a timeline for when you want the work to be completely done.
When you’re done with all this, you can ask the contractor to get started with the work.
What Are Some Tips To Look Before Hiring A Renovation Contractor?
Before you hire a contractor, do some background checks on them. Ask them where they’ve worked. Talk to them and find out their opinions. Make sure that the contractor you’re hiring has a license.
You should be in contact with them the whole time before they begin with the work. You should also give them guidelines on how you want things to happen. Don’t forget that you have a responsibility too. If they ask you to move the furniture around, then you should do that.
Is It Worth To Renovate An Old House?
There are certain benefits of renovating an old house. First, you’ll buy the place for a cheap price. That basically means you can pay a good amount for a wonderful renovation of the place.
Many times, contractors can refurbish the old woodwork and furniture of these places. This way, the character of the old house remains there only.
However, there are many disadvantages of renovating old houses too. An old house can have some toxins in it. You can find lead and asbestos in them. If they’re not treated properly, it may cause a big health hazard.
Moreover, doing renovations in old houses can take more time. It is because there might be mould and the house may be smelly too.
What Is The Best Way For A Home Renovation?
Before you start thinking about remodeling, you’ve to do some research. Research about the new furniture that you’ll get. Surf on the internet to find houseplants, showcases, or paintings.
Pay attention to the exteriors as much as interiors. Pick the door colour and type, if your current door is good then just get it repainted. Think about the rooms and their colours. Go for bright colours in your kid’s room and maybe darker colours in the drawing-room.
The kitchen and bathroom are other important areas of the house that need proper remodeling. Talk to your contractor, ask them what they think would look good. Pick out your favourite designs and themes for these places.
What Is A Realistic Timeline For A Home Renovation Project?
Many contractors work on a schedule that is either prepared by them or by you. They start with those parts of the house that need to be remodeled first. The roof replacement on your house can take 2 to 4 days. Working on the outdoor deck takes about a week. Bathrooms and kitchens require more than three weeks. Lastly, renovating the rooms takes around 6 to 16 weeks.
More or less, you can expect the whole house’s renovations to go on for 6 or more months.
How To Get A Mortgage And Renovation Loan?
Mortgage loans are those where people can buy a house and pay for the renovations under a single loan. The borrowers pay a mortgage for around 15 to 30 years. Here, the borrowers have to do the renovations in a timely manner.
These renovation mortgage loans work differently depending on the lender. Generally, though, you find a lender and apply for a loan. Afterward, they check your credit score and proof of employment to see if you’re eligible for the loan.
After checking the eligibility criteria, it becomes your responsibility to find a contractor.
Can You Use Part Of Your Home Loan For Renovations?
You can get a home loan for house renovations. You can talk to the lender about the renovations you need to do. They’ll verify all the details and then they’ll sanction your loan.
You can get a home loan for these purposes.
- Repairs or renovations of the house.
- Construction of a new house.
- Purchasing a new house.
- Purchasing a new land.
You can also increase your existing home loan for this purpose. When you get the money from the lender, you can place these funds in an offset account.
How Much Does A Full House Renovation Cost?
If you want to stay under budget, you can do your complete home renovation for $50,000. If you are stretching the budget, then you expect the costs to be more than $50,000. You’re looking for approximately $80,000 to $150,000.
Different parts of your house have different costs. You won’t pay the same for the outdoors as the indoors. The costs of remodeling the kitchen and bathroom differ too.
Can You Use A Mortgage For Renovations?
Many people use mortgages for their house renovations. You can use your mortgage in multiple ways. There’s an option where you can remortgage, where you replace your existing mortgage with a bigger one.
You can also opt for further advance, wherein you borrow more money from your lender. This extra money that you borrow is repayable with a different interest rate.
There’s also the option for a second-charge mortgage. Here, you’re getting another mortgage from a different lender. This is a risky option. Not many people opt for this one. It is because if you fail to repay the lenders, they’ll both be in line to get your property.
The Takeaway
Renovation in and around your house takes months to do. However, it is necessary that you keep making small changes around the house. This way, your house would never lose its charm.
There are many ideas for kitchen and bathroom renovations that you can choose from. Pay attention to all the details, big or small.
Featured Image Credits: Pexels
About the Author
Shristi Patni
Content Writer
Shristi is a content writer and owner of F and B Recipes and Snazzy Women. When not writing, she can be found reading or trying new recipes.